Eliau Lopes, 16481713 (aged 65 years)

Eliau /Lopes/
Given names
Birth 1648
MarriageRachel de David Nunes da FonsecaView this family
October 21, 1676 (aged 28 years)
between 1678 and June 1695 (aged 47 years)
Birth of a sonAron de Eliau Lopez y Nunes da Fonseca
about 1690 (aged 42 years)
Birth of a sonDavid Lopez y Nunes da Fonseca
about 1690 (aged 42 years)
Birth of a sonAbraham Lopez y Nunes da Fonseca
about 1690 (aged 42 years)
Birth of a sonIsaac Lopez y Nunes da Fonseca
about 1690 (aged 42 years)
Birth of a sonMosseh Hezekiah Lopes y Nunes da Fonseca
about 1690 (aged 42 years)
Birth of a sonJahacob de Eliau Lopez y Nunes da Fonseca
about 1695 (aged 47 years)
between June 1695 and 1713 (aged 65 years)
Note: Then by 1703, thanks to a sizeable legacy from Abraham and Sara da Costa, a spacious house was bought by the PARNASSIM near the northeastern corner of the walled city. They had the house demolished and built a Synagogue in its stead, the predecessor to our present building on the same site. To raise the necessary funds for this new building, the PARNASSIM sold the honors of purchasing the four corner stones to the highest bidders, and had various members donate parts of the furnishings, equipment and decorations. Chacham Eliau Lopez consecrated the new Synagogue (referred to in the archives as the \93Old Synagogue\94) on SHAVUOT, 1703.
Death of a wifeRachel de David Nunes da Fonseca
May 20, 1699 (aged 51 years)
Marriage of a childAbraham Lopez y Nunes da FonsecaRachel de Menaseh Jesurun HenriqueView this family
about 1706 (aged 58 years)
Death of a sonDavid Lopez y Nunes da Fonseca
July 28, 1707 (aged 59 years)
Death July 22, 1713 (aged 65 years)
Note: In 1659, with the arrival of the second group of J…

In 1659, with the arrival of the second group of Jewish settlers, cemetery Beth Haim was consecrated. The oldest tombstone dates from 1668, making it one of the first cemeteries in the New World. The cemetery contains 2500 graves; the tombstones of many of these have been adorned with beautiful sculpture representing biblical passages, often relating to the name of the deceased. The inscriptions on the stones are in Portuguese, Hebrew, Spanish, English, Dutch, French as well as one in Yiddish. Its antiquity, art and historical heritage makes the cemetery at Blenheim an extraordinary international monument.

Sadly, many of the graves have been lost to erosion caused by acid rain and sulfuric fumes from the nearby refinery. But some famous Jews are buried among the anonymous graves. Ribca Spinoza, half-sister of Baruch Spinoza, died on January 25, 1695. Jahacob Alvares Carrea, an assistant of Malag-born Eliau Lopez, the chief rabbi at Cura\E7ao in 1693, died on June 25, 1714. Many of the gravesites have both Jewish and non-Jewish symbols on them. Skulls and crossbones and hourglasses on the tombstones show the marks of Iberian Jews and more assimilated Jews who brought customs of the larger community to the Caribbean Jewish community.

Family with Rachel de David Nunes da Fonseca
Marriage: October 21, 1676Amsterdam
14 years
12 months
Birth: about 1690 42 34Barbados
Death: July 28, 1707Curacao
12 months
12 months
Birth: about 1690 42 34Barbados
Death: April 25, 1742Curacao
6 years
-4 years
Birth: about 1690 42 34Barbados
Death: January 24, 1752Curacao

Then by 1703, thanks to a sizeable legacy from Abraham and Sara da Costa, a spacious house was bought by the PARNASSIM near the northeastern corner of the walled city. They had the house demolished and built a Synagogue in its stead, the predecessor to our present building on the same site. To raise the necessary funds for this new building, the PARNASSIM sold the honors of purchasing the four corner stones to the highest bidders, and had various members donate parts of the furnishings, equipment and decorations. Chacham Eliau Lopez consecrated the new Synagogue (referred to in the archives as the \93Old Synagogue\94) on SHAVUOT, 1703.


In 1659, with the arrival of the second group of Jewish settlers, cemetery Beth Haim was consecrated. The oldest tombstone dates from 1668, making it one of the first cemeteries in the New World. The cemetery contains 2500 graves; the tombstones of many of these have been adorned with beautiful sculpture representing biblical passages, often relating to the name of the deceased. The inscriptions on the stones are in Portuguese, Hebrew, Spanish, English, Dutch, French as well as one in Yiddish. Its antiquity, art and historical heritage makes the cemetery at Blenheim an extraordinary international monument.

Sadly, many of the graves have been lost to erosion caused by acid rain and sulfuric fumes from the nearby refinery. But some famous Jews are buried among the anonymous graves. Ribca Spinoza, half-sister of Baruch Spinoza, died on January 25, 1695. Jahacob Alvares Carrea, an assistant of Malag-born Eliau Lopez, the chief rabbi at Cura\E7ao in 1693, died on June 25, 1714. Many of the gravesites have both Jewish and non-Jewish symbols on them. Skulls and crossbones and hourglasses on the tombstones show the marks of Iberian Jews and more assimilated Jews who brought customs of the larger community to the Caribbean Jewish community.


Een van de centra in de Amerika's waar coverso's terugkeerden naar het Judaisme was het eiland Curacao. Converso's die al in de Ameria's waren of er naar toe gingen kwamen naar Cuarao om besneden te worden. Het is daarom niet verwonderlijk dat er minstens zeven besnijders in Curacao waren met de titel "Mohel Muvhak", op een bevolking van minder dan 2000 zielen. De reden was de constante toevloed van converso's. De besnijder was een belangrijk figuur, die zijn diensten gratis aanbood, maar door de gemeenschap betaald werd. De religieuze leider van Curacao besteeden speciale aandacht voor de converso's. En veel leiders waren zelf converso's geweest. De hoofd rabbi Eliahu Lopez, geboren in Malaga in 1648, kwam in 1693 vanuit Amsterdam aan als Haham. De hoofd rabbi Samuel Mendes de Sola, geboren in 1699 in Lissabon kwam op Curacao aan in 1741. Deze twee rabbi's deden er alles aan in hun aandacht voor de converso's die uit Europa aankwamen op Curacao.